Biggle Corner Referrals & Admission Process
We’re here to change children’s lives for the better, and our service is genuinely outcome-focused.
To ensure that we only receive referrals for children whose needs our service is designed to meet, please take note of our referrals criteria and referrals process below before sending a placement request.
Biggle Corner Referral Criteria
We consider placement requests for children aged 7-12 years with autism, learning difficulties or challenging/unexplained behavioural problems.
We are unable to provide placements for children who are known for substance misuse, children who require continuous psychiatric supervision, or children who have a physical or profound learning disability.
Our programmes last between 12 and 24 months, during which time an optimum timescale will identified for the child to transition to a family environment. We do not accept short term placements; all of our outcome-focused programmes are based on a minimum of 12 months with the child and transitional working with the step-down caregiver.
Referral & Admission process: What to expect
1. Referral form>>
The referral process starts with our Biggle Corner referral form, which is available on request.
2. Pre-placement assessment
We use a fully comprehensive, multi-disciplinary pre-placement assessment to understand needs, strengths, behaviours and risks. This includes interviewing the child, the social worker or a familiar person, and reviewing reports from education, social care and health.
Note: Expedited assessment is possible for urgent cases. The local authority must provide all the required assessment information.
3. Team review
Our team will review all information and make a decision as to whether the child’s needs can be met at Biggle Corner.
Consideration will be given to how the child may react to our environment and how we will respond to this.
4. Planning meeting
All placements are subject to the relevant paperwork and arrangement of a planning meeting prior to the child’s admission.
5. Post-placement assessment & outcome agreement
Once the child has moved into Biggle Corner, we carry out a post-placement assessment period over 30 days.
Within this 30 day period we aim to define and agree the individualised care plan and core outcomes with the placing authority.